Changing the for loop to execute functions one line at a time

I have a function that needs to run through each row of a table, grab a number from that cell, send that number to the url to get a json response, and then print something based on that. I almost work, but now that it just dumps the whole thing, I want it to use something like .each

to go through each line, then move on to the next. I am also working with jquery datatables. The script looks like this:

    var cells = [];
    var rows = oTable.fnGetNodes();
    for( var i=0;i<rows.length;i++){
        grabsku = $j(rows[i]).find('td:eq(2)').text();
        imgreplace = $j(rows[i]).find('td:eq(2)');
        s7url = '' + grabsku;       

            type: 'GET',
            url: s7url,
            data: 'req=exists,json',
            dataType: 'jsonp',
                imgreplace.html('checking ..');
            success: function(){


Answer and everything works great, my question is how to loop them one at a time. Since in this example it imgreplace.html('checking ..');

goes through each row of the table simultaneously. I want it to process only one line and then success

move on to the next.


To better explain why I do this, I agree that it is unnatural, given that I picked up from each cell to help create a unique URL-address s7url

. Each of them returns a response like this from a server that I have no control over:



Then I do something, knowing whether it is true or false:

function jsonResponse(response){    
    x = response["record.exists"];  
    z = x == "0" ? "NO" : "YES";


I love scrappedcola's solution, but it led me to conclude that success never quits. I don't know why this is so. In the inspector tab, I can see that there is an answer similar to the one I pasted above. I tried to port the success to my own function, for example:

success: function(){ success(); } 


var success = function(){


but it did not help.

Update 2

So, I gave up trying to coerce variables into success. Instead, I'll share with you my very ugly hack. On the success of the error response, ick.

error: function(data, status){
        if (status = "parseerror") {


Update 3

If for some reason anyone cares, I have found a solution for my other success

not shooting problem . I needed to add jsonpCallback

to parameters and then process the response as a function in succcess



source to share

2 answers

Something like this might work for you. Basically you should make 1 call to the image validation function which makes an asynchronous call. Then, after the asynchronous call succeeds, move on to the next line.

var i;  
     i = 0;
  var handleImageCheck = function(i){
     var cells = [];
     var rows = oTable.fnGetNodes();
    grabsku = $j(rows[i]).find('td:eq(2)').text();
    imgreplace = $j(rows[i]).find('td:eq(2)');
    s7url = '' + grabsku;       

      type: 'GET',
       url: s7url,
       data: 'req=exists,json',
       dataType: 'jsonp',
          imgreplace.html('checking ..');
       success: function(){




If you want you should use a little recursion

function makeCall(rows, index) {
    //if index is undefined, it the first call, let start from the first element
    if (index === undefined) {
        index = 0;
    row = rows[index];
    grabsku = $j(row).find('td:eq(2)').text();
    imgreplace = $j(row).find('td:eq(2)');
    s7url = '' + grabsku;

        type: 'GET',
        url: s7url,
        data: 'req=exists,json',
        dataType: 'jsonp',
        beforeSend: function() {
            imgreplace.html('checking ..');
            var nextIndex = index + 1;
            //if there is anothe element in rows, make another call)
            if (rows[nextIndex] !== undefined) {
                makeCall(rows, nextIndex);
        success: function() {

       var rows = oTable.fnGetNodes();


BTW - AJAX is awesome because you can make a lot of calls at the same time, waiting, it seems unnatural to me!



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