Anonymous object with one argument cannot be declared

There is this code:

class SomeClass

    SomeClass(SomeClass& b){}

    SomeClass(SomeClass&b, SomeClass& c){}

int main()
    SomeClass a;
    SomeClass(); // works all right
    //SomeClass(a); error: redeclaration of ‘SomeClass a’
    SomeClass(a, a); // works all right
    return 0;


The anonymous object SomeClass with 0 and 2 parameters can be declared, however it cannot be declared with only one argument. I assume that the entry



coincides with

SomeClass a;


How do I create an anonymous object with one argument?


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5 answers

You can create a temporary object in your own statement with something like:






As you noticed, parentheses are necessary to disambiguate between a declaration and an expression.



You can create this anonymouse object like this:



This removes the ambiguity as it cannot be a declaration a


(SomeClass a); // Error: this can't be a declaration because of the parentheses
               //        but what else should it be?




In this context, the parentheses are superfluous, which means

SomeClass(a); //declaration of a


is exactly equivalent to

SomeClass a; //declaration of a


which again is equivalent to these:

SomeClass((a)));       //declaration of a
SomeClass(((a)));      //declaration of a
SomeClass((((a))));    //declaration of a
SomeClass(((((a)))));  //declaration of a


They all declare a name variable a

and type SomeClass




In general, you avoid the most annoying parsing by writing code with the same effect as what you wanted to write, but it cannot be parsed as a declaration.

This is often done by adding parentheses.

In this case, (SomeClass(a));

will do, or(void) SomeClass(a);



Your guess is correct.

You simply cannot create a temporary object with a single constructor argument in a context where the same statement can be a declaration. The grammar makes this ambiguous (or, it would be ambiguous if the behavior you see was not defined to take precedence).

Why don't you give the object a name?

SomeClass obj(a);


Or, if you have a reason to immediately destroy the object (this is sometimes useful, for example boost::this_thread::interruption_point

, although this takes no arguments), you can still create a temporary but defuse statement:

(SomeClass(a));    // the parens prevent this from being a declarative statement


In some scenarios, you can also use C-style casts:



But hopefully your constructor SomeClass

is actually marked explicit

and we prefer not to use C-style casts anyway.

This problem does not arise in other contexts where temporal might make more sense:

std::cout << SomeClass(a);  // *can't* be a decl of a `SomeClass` called `a`




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