Sorting and Grouping XML Based on Attributes

I am working with LINQ to XML in C # and I need to do some sorting on the attributes of my xml nodes. My xml looks something like this.

    <Claim key="1" carrier="carA" zip="34343" pages="1"/>
    <Claim key="2" carrier="carA" zip="34343" pages="2"/>
    <Claim key="3" carrier="carB" zip="34343" pages="4"/>


I can sort the xml using an orderby clause like

 var query= from claim in root.Elements("Claim")
            let Key = claim.Attributes("Key").First().Value
            let Carrier = claim.Attributes("Carrier").First().Value
            let CarrierZip = int.Parse(claim.Attributes("CarrierZip").First().Value)
            let Pages = claim.Attributes("Pages").First().Value
            orderby Pages ascending, CarrierZip ascending, Carrier ascending
            select claim;


Then I get a list of keys from the request.

What I want to do is collect collections of all 1 page claims, then all 2 page claims and so on, but I don't know how many the maximum number of pages can be.

can anyone help me?


I changed my inner thought on how to do this and now I would like it to be like this.


All claims 
- 1 page
         -int claim key
         -int claim2 key
      - car2
- 2 pages 


etc. The trick is that I need to query nodes and get multiple groups from it. Can this be done in my application or is a series of statements required?


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1 answer

You just need to add a sentence GroupBy


var query= from claim in root.Elements("Claim")
           let Key = claim.Attributes("Key").First().Value
           let Carrier = claim.Attributes("Carrier").First().Value
           let CarrierZip = int.Parse(claim.Attributes("CarrierZip").First().Value)
           let Pages = claim.Attributes("Pages").First().Value
           orderby Pages ascending, CarrierZip ascending, Carrier ascending
           group new { CarrierZip, Carrier, Key } by Pages;

foreach (var group in query)
    Console.WriteLine("Claims with {0} pages:", group.Key);
    foreach (var entry in group)
        Console.WriteLine("  {0} {1} {2}", entry.CarrierZip, entry.Carrier,


EDIT: To get List<List<int>>

from this you have to use:

var claims = query.Select(group => group.Select(x => x.Key).ToList())


Alternatively, if you don't need CarrierZip and Carrier in the results, you can simplify your query and list:

var query= from claim in root.Elements("Claim")
           let Key = claim.Attributes("Key").First().Value
           let Carrier = claim.Attributes("Carrier").First().Value
           let CarrierZip = int.Parse(claim.Attributes("CarrierZip").First().Value)
           let Pages = claim.Attributes("Pages").First().Value
           orderby Pages ascending, CarrierZip ascending, Carrier ascending
           group Key by Pages;

var claims = query.Select(group => group.ToList())




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