Selecting random GPS points with minimum distance

I want to write a php program to select 16 random gps points from 400 points in my database

(point table: id - title - latitude - longitude).

lat 37.9824
lon -87.5781547

The only requirement is 16 random points, each at least 1 km apart (find points that are in the 1KM range)

it is a system that selects pharmacies with a minimum distance of 1 km between each pharmacy. I have 400 pharmacies in my database and I have to select 16 pharmacies every week. I cannot pick two pharmacies very close.


if the program returns 3 pharmacies AB and C.

the cost between pharmacies should be:

A and B = 1 KM

A and C = 1 KM

B and C = 1 KM


source to share

2 answers

Try this because you only have 400 entries. It may only take a few hours ... Haven't tried it but it might give you an idea

$min =1;
$n =16;

$pharmas = fillUp();

// main function 
function fillUp(){
   $points = array();
   while(count($points)< $n){
      $tmp = getRandomPoint();
      if(checkAll($tmp, $points){
         $points[] = $tmp;
return $points;  // after a few hours ??

// get a random point
// after all we might get lucky
function getRandomPoint(){
// return array with ['latitude'] & ['longitude']

// check that all points meet the requirements
function checkAll($pt, $points){
    foreach($points as $point){
         if(distance($point, $pt) < $min {
              return false;
    return true;

// calculate the distance between 2 points
function distance ($point1, $point2, $uom='km') {
    //  Use Haversine formula to calculate the great circle distance
    //      between two points identified by longitude and latitude
    switch (strtolower($uom)) {
        case 'km' :
            $earthMeanRadius = 6371.009; // km
        case 'm' :
            $earthMeanRadius = 6371.009 * 1000; // km
        case 'miles' :
            $earthMeanRadius = 3958.761; // miles
        case 'yards' :
        case 'yds' :
            $earthMeanRadius = 3958.761 * 1760; // miles
        case 'feet' :
        case 'ft' :
            $earthMeanRadius = 3958.761 * 1760 * 3; // miles
        case 'nm' :
            $earthMeanRadius = 3440.069; // miles
    $deltaLatitude = deg2rad($point2['latitude'] - $point1['latitude']);
    $deltaLongitude = deg2rad($point2['longitude'] - $point1['longitude']);
    $a = sin($deltaLatitude / 2) * sin($deltaLatitude / 2) +
            cos(deg2rad($point1['latitude'])) * cos(deg2rad($point2['latitude'])) *
            sin($deltaLongitude / 2) * sin($deltaLongitude / 2);
    $c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1 - $a));
    $distance = $earthMeanRadius * $c;
    return $distance;




From the hat, answer here:

First, I create a view with a list of objects that are as close as possible to the point where you are interested in using the Cartesian distance formula, and then I use PHP code to calculate the actual spherical distance.

@MY_LAT = 37.9824;
@MY_LONG = -87.5781547;

              ABS((latitude - @MY_LAT) * (latitude - @MY_LAT) + 
                  (longitude - @MY_LONG) * (longitude - @MY_LONG))) 
          AS DIST


Select the top n rows from this view to get the next 16 points from your point of interest. To check if the points are within 1KM of your reference point, you can write a small PHP snippet after getting the results. This should help you with the snippet:

Here I am using the Cartesian distance formula in the query, which only serves to reduce the number of records you get to apply the spherical distance formula in PHP.x



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