Functions not returning the correct value in DLL

This is so frustrating! I don't know why this is happening. I have a file named weirdDLL.c :

double five() {
    return 5.0;


I have another file called weirdTest.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    double f = five();
    if (f != 5.0) {
        printf("Test failed with %f", f);
        return 1;
    return 0;


I expect that when compiling and linking to the DLL, the code in the weirdTest will exit without errors. I am compiling 64 bit Windows 7 using gcc (cygwin) using the commands:

gcc -c weirdDLL.c
gcc -shared -o weirdDLL.dll weirdDLL.o
gcc -o test weirdtest.c -L./ -l weirdDLL



Test failed with 0.000000


The DLL seems to link correctly because the compiler doesn't complain about the missing "five" feature. Also, when I add print statements to the DLL, they show up in order. What have I done wrong?


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2 answers

Just a wild guess:

You don't seem to be declaring a prototype for 5 () in weirdTest.c, so the compiler treats the return type of this function as int. The resulting conversion from int to double will mess up your original double value.



use dumpbin (windwos) or nm (linux) to list your DLL export function

and see if 5 () is exported or not



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