Window.print function in IE

I have a problem with window.print in javascript. I set up cutePdfWriter so that the resulting "printed" page will be saved as a pdf at the beginning, im using this just for checking.

When I run my app in FF ang, print it using window.print, image1 is output in pdf, but if I run it in IE and print, image2 is output.

The image in IE is bigger and doesn't fit into the layout.

Do you have any idea about this difference and how to decide the result will be the same in Firefox?

output of print with Firefoxoutput of print with IE8

I posted

<style type='text/css'>
       * {margin:0; padding:0;} 


in the html header and has no other fields. but still doesn't work. TT Thanks a lot.


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1 answer

As I said in a comment: Don't give your table a fixed width in pixels.



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