Bad processor type in the executable

I need to update an iOS app that runs from iOS 3.1.3 to the latest 5.1.

When I code on new Xcode 4.3.1 and try to test this application on an old device with iOS 3.1.3, I get the error "Bad CPU type on the executable".

iOS Deployment Target = 3.1.3
Architectures = armv6 $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) - armv6 $
Valid Architectures = armv6 armv7


If I add armv5 to the list of valid architectures, the code is installed on the device, but the application starts from a black screen and nothing happens. Then I can stop the program and start it on the device. It seems to work then.

Can armv5 be added to the list of valid architectures? Is this a solution to get rid of the error?


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2 answers

I saw the same issue today with iOS 4.1 and Xcode 4.3.3. The fix - just reopen Xcode and plug your phone back in.



I solve this magic problem after " Reset network settings " on the device (on iPad2 and iPhone3GS). This is pure magic!



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