Missing template templates in VS 2008

I am new to BDD and Specflow, so please help. Today I have installed Specflow V1.8.1 on my local machine. During the installation, I made sure that I selected the VS 2008 and 2010 addon.after installation, I can find new templates like .feature in VS 2010, but in VS 2008 I cannot find any template templates, I tried to reinstall several times by closing all VS projects, but everything was done Let's get it right. What could be the reason? Thank!


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1 answer

I just ran into the same issue as going to VS2008 for a project. Installer 1.8.1 works fine for VS2010, but not for VS2008.

UPDATE After installing the Specflow installer, you will probably find 3 new * .zip files in the following directory:

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ Common7 \ IDE \ ItemTemplates \ CSharp

If you create a * Specflow \ 1033 * subfolder structure and move the following three files to the new 1033 folder:

  • SpecFlowEventDefinition.zip
  • SpecFlowFeature.zip
  • SpecFlowStepDefinition.zip

You can now recreate the item cache by following these steps:

  • Open a VS2008 cmd window (in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 | visual studio tools in the start menu) - make sure you run it as administrator.
  • In a DOS window enter devenv.exe / installvstemplates and run


The following steps might fix the problem for you:

  • Close all instances of VS2008.
  • Copy files without _VB. * from C: \ Program Files (x86) \ TechTalk \ SpecFlow \ ItemTemplates to C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ Common7 \ IDE \ ItemTemplates \ CSharp \ SpecFlow \ 1033
  • Open a VS2008 cmd window (in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 | visual studio tools in the start menu) - make sure you run it as administrator.
  • In a DOS window, enter devenv.exe / installvstemplates and run.
  • Close the DOS window.
  • Open VS2008 and items are now available under Add New - options will appear under the top-level item "Visual C # Items", they do not appear in any of the child folders.

Note. Step 2 puts the templates in the VS install location, and step 4 rebuilds the templates and installs them in the cache (here: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ Common7 \ IDE \ ItemTemplatesCache \ CSharp \ SpecFlow \ 1033)



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