Prevent ruby ​​selenium-webdriver from dismissing warnings when raising an UnhandledAlertError

Looking at the changelog for ruby ​​selenium-webdriver I found this line numbered 2.18.0:

  • Firefox and IE:
    • Raise UnhandledAlertError if a warning is present during the operation. The unhandled warning is also dismissed to mitigate repeated exceptions.

This is a terrible change in my opinion. I like the exception, but any unhandled confirmations are fired (false is returned). I would really like to be able to save the exception and deal with the confirmation.

Unfortunately, I cannot find the code in the selenium-webdriver airplane, so I can overwrite this section and get rid of the startup warning command.

Is this anyway (other than returning my version)?

Thanks in advance,



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1 answer

I'm not 100% sure if this is what you want, but maybe I can help you anyway. The way I understand you is that you want to "force" the unhandled warnings to rescue.

When using an assertion like the find element function due to timeouts, I use the following code to find the element again.

!20.times { break if (selenium.is_visible(driver.find_element(:id, 'loginid')) rescue false ) ; sleep 1 }


The above loop will repeat 20 times (waiting 1 sec each time) in an attempt to find both the item and break when it finds it. Note that I haven't saved it yet as it is more durable to fit this in between start / end. Something like that..:

!20.times { break if (selenium.is_visible(driver.find_element(:id, 'loginid')) rescue false ) ; sleep 1 }

[your executing code here]      .
usr = driver.find_element(:id, 'loginid').click         
usr = driver.find_element(:id, 'loginid').send_keys(username)
[your rescure code here]

puts "____________________________________________________________________"
puts "*** FATAL ERROR --> located at login area (username/password) ***"
puts "Possible reasons for this error..:"
puts "Invalid credentials * Cannot locate element id * "
puts "____________________________________________________________________"


Hope it helps!



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