Java, Play2.0, ')' Expected but '=' game found

I am trying to create a " General Templates Usage Examples " tag in a play2.0 doc.

@(level: String = "error")(body: (String) => Html)

@level match {

  case "success" => {
    <p class="success">

  case "warning" => {
    <p class="warning">

  case "error" => {
    <p class="error">



then refresh the page http: // localhost: 9000 , get the error:

')' expected but '=' found.
In foo/app/views/tags/notice.scala.html at line 4.
1#{extends 'main.html' /}
2#{set title:'notice.scala.html' /}
4@(level: String="error")(body: (String) => Html) 
6@level match {
8  case "success" => {


since i am new to both play2.0 and scala, the cloud is someone telling me why?


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2 answers

It doesn't really make sense to have a default argument in its own argument group:

@(level: String = "error")(body: (String) => Html)


Note that the "moreScripts and moreStyles" example in Scala's common use case templates sets the default argument to another argument:

@(title: String, scripts: Html = Html(""))(content: Html)


You can do the same:

@(body: (String) => Html, level: String = "error")


Side note: It's not a good idea to rely on strings to distinguish between success / warning / error. Strings are fragile and prone to typos, which confuses errors in annoying ways. Instead, look for a datatype, or create your own to represent it: thus, typos become compiler errors.

class ResultType
case object Success                 extends ResultType
case class Warning(message: String) extends ResultType
case class Error(message: String)   extends ResultType




I think you should try

@(level: (String) => "error")(body: (String) => Html)

@level match {

  case "success" => {
    <p class="success">

  case "warning" => {
    <p class="warning">

  case "error" => {
    <p class="error">





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