VBA: Reduce loop iterations after deleting an array element?

In VBA for Excel:

For i = 0 To UBound(artMaster)
    For j = i To UBound(artMaster)
        If i <> j And artMaster(i).VDN = artMaster(j).VDN Then
            Call DeleteArrayItem(artMaster, j)
        End If
    Next j
Next i


How can I reduce the iterations of the loop after I have removed one of the array elements?


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2 answers

You will be much better off using WHILE loops instead of FOR loops. Alternatively, you can store UBound (artmaster) in a variable.

Dim I As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim n as Integer

i = 0
n = UBound(artMaster)

Do While i <= n
    j = i + 1

    Do While j <= n
        If artMaster(i).VDN = artMaster(j).VDN Then
            Call DeleteArrayItem(artMaster, j)
            n = n - 1
        End If

        j = j + 1

    i = i + 1




You can subtract 1 from your iterator. But this can be problematic and makes the code difficult to understand.

Perhaps the best approach is to loop from the last item to the first (step -1). This way, your iterator remains in effect when you remove items.



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