Confused ADDITIONAL - disappearing entries

I am having problems using OPTIONAL phrase in SPARQL statements. When I ask dbpedia like this:

CONSTRUCT { ?guitarist rdfs:label ?name . ?guitarist rdfs:comment ?desc . ?guitarist dbpprop:placeOfBirth ?placebirth }
  ?guitarist dbpprop:wikiPageUsesTemplate <> . 
  ?guitarist rdfs:label ?name .
  ?guitarist rdfs:comment ?desc .
  ?guitarist dbpprop:placeOfBirth ?placebirth .
  FILTER ( lang(?name) = "en" && lang(?desc) = "en" )


Roger Waters' birthplace and other details are returned. But when I go to this, all Roger_Waters entries are missing:

CONSTRUCT { ?guitarist rdfs:label ?name . ?guitarist rdfs:comment ?desc . ?guitarist dbpprop:placeOfBirth ?placebirth }
  ?guitarist dbpprop:wikiPageUsesTemplate <> . 
  ?guitarist rdfs:label ?name .
  ?guitarist rdfs:comment ?desc .
  OPTIONAL { ?guitarist dbpprop:placeOfBirth ?placebirth }
  FILTER ( lang(?name) = "en" && lang(?desc) = "en" )


What am I doing wrong - I suppose complete entries will not be missing after applying OPTIONAL ...


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1 answer

The DBpedia endpoint returns partial results for queries that it deems too costly.

When doing SELECT COUNT(*) WHERE …

with these two queries, it looks like the first query should return 8k results and the second should return 60k results. Yours CONSTRUCT

should generate 2-3 triples per result, so the first query should give 16-24k of triples, and the second should give 120-180k. When I run queries, I get a curious amount of exactly 10001 triples from any request. Thus, the results are truncated.



(maybe with ORDER BY




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