What's the easiest way to deploy a Grails generated WAR file?

I had constant problems (for several weeks) with Tomcat deploying the WAR file. I am looking for a simple server. It doesn't have to be very functional - it just needs to be easy to configure. Specifically, I'm looking for a program where I can simply delete the WAR file and run the nested web application.


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4 answers

You might want to ask for refuge. It basically uses the embedded jetty instance to run your war file.


It's available on Maven and it actually works like heroku apps built with Grails are launched. http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/deploy-a-java-web-application-that-launches-with-jetty-runner



If your application doesn't run on tomcat, it almost certainly means it won't run on any servlet container - the containers implement the spec and are very similar in many aspects.

What you need to do is go and search for each issue in turn until the application starts working. The problem is with the application, not the container.



I recently had a similar issue where my application worked fine with "grails run-app" but not as a war file. This was caused by a missing "package" in one of the files. I was getting 404 errors. When the war file is unpacked on the server, it does not place the files in the same directory locations as in grails environment. Not sure if this will help you, but maybe others with similar problems.



if you get a new tomcat instance, generate hellow world app and generate your warfile via grails dev war

, it should work fine. there are usually problems adding dependencies that interfere with libs servers.

If you want to give other servers a try, I would suggest resin as one of the easiest to set up, run and maintain.



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