Batch file to get local network connection name in Windows XP
I am currently writing a simple batch script to automatically set DNS for a LAN connection. Here is the script:
netsh interface ip set dns name="Local Area Connection" static X.X.X.X
netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" Y.Y.Y.Y index=2
netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" Z.Z.Z.Z index=3
But the point is, if the LAN name is not the default (i.e. LAN connection), the script won't work.
Is there some way to find all the names of a LAN connection and establish all DNS connections of those connections using a batch file?
Any help would be appreciated :)
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I tested this code on Windows 7. You may need to make some changes for Windows XP.
@Echo Off
For /f "skip=2 tokens=4*" %%a In ('NetSh Interface IPv4 Show Interfaces') Do (
Call :UseNetworkAdapter %%a "%%b"
Exit /B
:: %1 = State
:: %2 = Name (quoted); %~2 = Name (unquoted)
If %1==connected (
:: Do your stuff here, for example:
Echo %2
Exit /B
I just want to point out that I always use Call
, not parenthesized script. Too often people get confused when environment variables don't behave as expected in script brackets. I find calling the label easier for the script to work with.
EDIT: Clarification.
The command For
reads each line of a file or the result of a command. In ('command')
tells him to read each line of results command
. skip=2
skips the first two lines of the output, in this case the column header. tokens=4*
says to read the fourth thing on each line as one variable ( 4
), and everything after it as another variable ( *
says to store the specified tokens in %%a
and %%b
accordingly. Do (commands)
executes commands
for each line.
My conclusion NetSh Interface IPv4 Show Interface
Idx Met MTU State Name
--- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------------------------
1 50 4294967295 connected Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
15 50 1500 disconnected Bluetooth Network Connection
24 10 1500 connected Network Bridge
So, I take the fourth token (state) and all tokens after that (Name) and pass them to the script function call. Here they are extracted as command line parameters, namely %1
and %2
Note that each Name consists of two or three tokens due to spaces, so using *
instead of 5
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Windows XP 1st output of "netsh int ip show config" command:
Configuration for the Local Area Connection Interface
@echo off
for /F tokens^=2^ delims^=^" %%a in ('netsh int ip show config') do set "sUserFriendyName=%%a"
echo/set DNS for interface "%sUserFriendyName%"
netsh int ip delete dns "%sUserFriendyName%" all
netsh interface ip set dns name="%sUserFriendyName%" source=static addr= register=PRIMARY
netsh interface ip add dns name="%sUserFriendyName%" addr= index=2
ipconfig /flushdns
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