Copying buffer contents of different data types

I am writing code for the Modbus protocol that runs on an MSP430 controller. The response buffer (global) is an array of 8-bit data through which the response to the processed request must be sent via the serial UART. Now my problem is that the generated response has a combination of different data types. ie uint8, uint32, float. How do I send this data using the global response buffer?

For floats, I've tried using memcpy and it seems to work fine. Is there a better and more efficient way? Because the frame size is large (say 20-30 bytes). Here is a demo of what I was trying to do

int main() 
{ unsigned char buff[8]; //Global buffer 

float temp[2]; //temp buffer to store response values 

temp[0] = 0x00ef2212; 

memcpy(buff, temp, 8); 

printf("buff[0]= %u \n buff[1]= %u\n buff[2] = %u\n buff[3]= %u\n", buff[0],buff[1],buff

return 0; 



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3 answers

With casting and assignment. For example.

uint8 *globalbuf;
uint32 myval;
*(uint32*)globalbuf = myval;


copies myval to the first 4 bytes of globalbuf.

Beware of alignment issues: it may be illegal or costly on your platform to assign or read values ​​to / from addresses that are not integer multiples of this type. For example, address is 0,4,8, etc. is OK to put uint32.

This assumes your globalbuf starts with a nice round address.



a simple implementation would be to create a response structure and memcpy response structure into a buffer

struct response {
   uint8 bytedata;
   uint32 intdata;
   float  floatdata;
memcpy((void *)uartbuffer,(void *)&response,sizeof(response));


Note: since it looks like you are working on a protocol, the endianess may already be specified and you may need to package the items according to a specific endian type and simple memcpy will not work and you may need to package the data types.



How to consider using union to represent the same memory range to different data types?

typedef union {
    unsigned char buff[8];
    float temp[2];
} un;

un global_buffer;
// give global_buffer.buff some data.
un local_buffer;

local_buffer = global_buffer; 
// handle local_buffer.temp




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