How to disable CheckedListBox but allow winforms scrolling

I know this may sound like an easy question, but I can't seem to find a solution. I have a CheckdListBox on my form. I have a list of checkboxes inside. If I do this: clbxMyControl.Enabled = false;

then I cannot scroll to see all the items. How to allow scrolling on a disabled CheckedListBox?



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4 answers

You can prevent the user from checking items with the ItemCheck event:

    bool listEnabled = true;

    private void checkedListBox1_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e) {
        if (!listEnabled) e.NewValue = e.CurrentValue;


But make sure it's obvious that validation no longer works:

    private void setListEnabled(bool enabled) {
        listEnabled = enabled;
        if (listEnabled) checkedListBox1.BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Window);
        else checkedListBox1.BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control);




Instead of disabling the control, you should change it SelectionMode

like this:

checkedListBox1.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.None;


The user will not be able to select the item but will be allowed to scroll



This code can be used to scroll the CheckedListBox.

clbxMyControl.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.None;


Since Enable = false; make control unscrollable because it makes the checkbox container disabled.



ListBox has only one handle in the Windows API, which is configured to be enabled or disabled. So there is no built-in way to scroll, but elements.

You might be able to create your own control with the requested behavior, but you have to draw it from scratch, which can be a lot of work, or you find a third party control that supports the behavior.

Or you cannot use the enabled property, but change the background / font color to make it look disabled and set:

checkedListBox1.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.None;


Another alternative could be DataGridView. It's much more powerful, I'm not sure if it turns off the scrollbar, but if it does, you can make the cells read-only and color them.



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