How do I get the number of named parameters in a powershell script?

Visa. ABC.ps1 has this

[bool]$A= $False,
[bool]$B= $False,
[bool]$C= $False

Write-Host "$count"


If I call this:. \ ABC.ps1 $ True $ True $ True It should display 3.

This is just a guess, but $ Args.Count is always zero, possibly because Args has no / count named arguments.


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3 answers

The number of named parameters can be obtained from $ psboundparameters

[bool]$A= $False,
[bool]$B= $False,
[bool]$C= $False
$psboundparameters | ft auto
} $true $true $true

Key Value
--- -----
A    True
B    True
C    True



$ arg really only contains unbound parameters.



$ args will contain a count that exceeds the number of named parameters (unbound parameters). If you have three named parameters and you pass five arguments, $ args.count will output 2.

Be aware that if the CmdletBinding attribute is present, then the remaining arguments are not allowed and you will receive an error message:

function test

test a b c d

test: A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'd'.


To allow the remaining arguments, you must use the parameter's ValueFromRemainingArguments attribute. Now all unbound arguments will accumulate in $ c:

function test

test a b c d

$c=c d




The named parameter is bound to $psboundparameters.count

, any other additional arguments are bound to $args.count

, the resulting arguments are passed($psboundparameters.count + $args.count).

Check it:


Write-Host "$a - $b - $c - $($args[0]) - $count"




name it .\abc.ps1 $true $true $true $false



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