Why does Java allow "public static final" in nested classes for simple types and not arrays?

Possible duplicate:
Cannot declare public static final String s = new String ("123") inside inner class

In the following example, why is CONST_ONE, CONST_TWO allowed, but CONST_THREE is flagged with the error "inner classes cannot have static declarations"?

package com.myco.mypack;

public final class Constants {

    public final class GroupOne {
        public static final String CONST_ONE = "stuff";
        public static final int CONST_TWO = 2;
        public static final int[] CONST_THREE = new int[]{3};

    public static final int[] CONST_FOUR = new int[]{4};


I can get the behavior public interface GroupOne

I want by using instead, but I would still like to understand why constants are related differently. The only difference I can see is that the third one is an array and therefore its members are mutable, but it looks like this will lead to another error, if any.


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1 answer

It should be noted that your inner class (GroupOne) depends on the parent class (constants) since you defined it as public final class GroupOne

. I suspect that if you define it as public static final class GroupOne

, it will work for you.

The compiler error message should tell you the following:

the field CONST_THREE cannot be declared static; static fields can only be declared in static or top level types


In your case, GroupOne is neither static nor top-level. It works for interfaces as they cannot be directly instantiated



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