Rails 3 - How to change the: id parameter in resources

In routes.rb


resources :projects

gives the following routes



When using nested resources such as

resources :projects do
  resources :photos


it gives the following routes



This gives me a problem because I have to write a specific controller before_filter choosing between params[:id]

and params[:project_id]

to executeProject.find(params[:project_id] || param[:id])

Is there a way to change the routes to have :project_id

for all routes?




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3 answers

Another way is the definition method, which finds the current project: project_id, in ApplicationController

def current_project
  @current_project ||= Project.find params[:project_id]


And override this method in ProjectController

def current_project
  @current_project ||= Project.find params[:id]


Then you can use current_project

in filters for all your controllers



Can't change the name of the id resource parameter

But you can override it as an unoccupied path before resources

get "projects/:project_id" => "projects#show"
# etc. for all other 3 methods




I think what you are looking for is Shallow Nesting: http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#nested-resources

Look down at 2.7.2 Invalid attachment



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