Mootools Request Class and CORS

I am trying to use CORS to have a script make an Ajax request to geodata. My script calls this web service method:

If you check the fetch response headers, they include: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

When I try to do it with mootools (version 1.4.5 only):

var urlGeonames = "";
var req = new Request({
  method: 'get',
  url: urlGeonames,
  data: {
'lat': '89.18',
'lng': '-0.37',
'username': 'myusername',
'radius': '5'


then I get the error:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load 
Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.</pre>


On the other hand, when I try to use the old style Ajax code like this:

invocation = new XMLHttpRequest();
 {'GET', urlFlickr, true);
  invocation.onreadystatechange = handler;


then it works and I get an XML response in XXR responseXML.

I found this post CORS POST request works with plain javascript, but why not jQuery? that looks like. But here I am not dealing with my server, so I can only work from the javascript side.

Has anyone worked with CORS and mootools and can help with this issue? thanks JM


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2 answers

Hey whose husband is checking mootools for more JSONP, this will solve your problem:

Also looks like you are forgetting to request it in JSON format from

Try something like:

var myJSONP = new Request.JSONP({
    url: '',
    data: {
       'lat': '89.18',
       'lng': '-0.37',
       'username': 'myusername'
    onRequest: function(url){
        // a script tag is created with a src attribute equal to url
    onComplete: function(data){
       // the request was completed.


Hope this helps!



First answer on this thread: MooTools CORS request and native Javascript

May I help.

Basically the X-Requested-With header is automatically sent by Mootools with the request, but the server must either be configured to accept this header, or you can remove it with

delete foo.headers['X-Requested-With'];


Before calling



To allow this by the server, you can add this to your script's .htaccess file that returns JSON data:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"


So yours looks like this:

var myJSON = new Request({
    url: '',
    data: {
       'lat': '89.18',
       'lng': '-0.37',
       'username': 'myusername'
    onRequest: function(url){
        // a script tag is created with a src attribute equal to url
    onComplete: function(data){
       // the request was completed.
delete myJSON.headers['X-Requested-With'];




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