Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex Additional parameters with reverse

I have successfully created my route using Regex. I have some additional parameters in my route that I don't want to show in the URL helper unless the user has specified them. How can i do this?

This is what I currently have

        $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
            'controller'    => 'widget',
            'action'        => 'list',
            1 => 'color',
            2 => 'page',
            3 => 'limit'


    $router->addRoute('color_widgets', $route);


Then I call the helper url with the following code

        echo $this->url(array('page' => $page), 'color_widgets', false); 


This results in / Blue-Widgets / and doesn't post the page to the url. I can fix this by changing the reverse in the router

    $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
            'controller'    => 'widget',
            'action'        => 'list',
            'page'      => 1
            1 => 'color',
            2 => 'page',
            3 => 'limit'



However, this does not solve my problem: I have Url

/ Blue-Widgets / page / 1 / limit / 10 The limit is not displayed, again I can fix it with the following

    $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
            'controller'    => 'widget',
            'action'        => 'list',
            'page'      => 1,
            'limit'     => 10
            1 => 'color',
            2 => 'page',
            3 => 'limit'



The problem with this is that the user is on / Blue-Widgets / and I want to move them to the next Blue Widgets page with the following code

        echo $this->url(array('page' => $page), 'color_widgets', false); 


They are actually taken to / Working Widgets / page / 2 / limit / 10

When I Really Want / Working Widgets / Page / 2

How can I accomplish this using Zend Framework.


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2 answers

You cannot use the reverse regex route with a variable number of values. You could:

  • Write a different route for each optional parameter (not recommended)
  • Use a different route structure

You can, for example, change your route to:

$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
        'controller'    => 'widget',
        'action'        => 'list',
        'page'      => 1,
        'limit'     => 10
        'color' => '[a-zA-Z-_0-9-]+',
        'page' => '\d+',
        'limit' => '\d+',


Another option is to create your own custom route class that can parse and build the correct uri.



You have specified the wrong indices of the Regex match variables, which is why you get strange results. Your code should look like this:

$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex(
    'controller'    => 'widget',
    'action'        => 'list',
    1 => 'color',
    3 => 'page',
    5 => 'limit'

$router->addRoute('color_widgets', $route);




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