Why can't I dereference a pointer to a multidimensional array?

The main question .. had to ask. Any help would be appreciated.

Q: Why can't I dereference a multidimensional array pointer like this:

int arr [2][2] = { {1, 2} , {3, 4} };

printf("%d ", *arr); 



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4 answers

You can dereference it, it just doesn't produce what you expect: *arr

not int

, it's a pointer to int

(OK, one-dimensional array). If you want to print 1

, add another star:

printf("%d ", **arr);





int arr [2][2] = { {1, 2} , {3, 4} };

printf("%d ", **arr); 


You need two levels of dereferencing since your array is two dimensional.



If a

- int[][]

, then *a

- int[]

. You need a different level of redirection to access the array element. That is **a

- int




Remember, if we define a as int [] [], then it is a two-dimensional array, and it can be dereferenced ** a. If the array is one-dimensional, we have to use * a to dereference it ...

Try it.



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