APEX JSON Deserialize

I have a JSON string that has nested objects with dynamic names that change every time. For example:

    "Objects": {
        "dynamicName1": {
            "name": "test"
        "dynamicName2": {
            "name": "test"


I was wondering how you can deserialize this line in APEX using wrapper classes?

I've tried this:

public class masterobj
{   public childobj Objects;    

public class childobj
{   public el dynamicName1;
    public el dynamicName2;     

public class el
{   public string name;

String s = '{"Objects":{"dynamicName1":{"name":"test"},"dynamicName2":{"name":"test"}}}';
masterobj mo = (masterobj)JSON.deserialize(s, masterobj.class);


which works well when you have declared dynamic variable names in the class for each nested object.

The problem and question is how can I make this work using a dynamic variable in a wrapper class. Since the names of the objects will be different as well as the number of objects, I cannot hard code the names as they are different every time.

Any ideas?


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2 answers

You won't be able to deserialize a structure like the data binding structure of a json parser, you need to use a streaming json parser to read it.



Use a map:

public class masterobj
    Map<String, el> Objects;




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