Haml syntax problem
why is it not haml valid syntax
= form_tag(media_path(place_id: @place) , :multipart => true) do
= label_tag :image , "Place image"
= file_field_tag :image
= submit_tag "submit new comment"
Exception on line 46: compilation error /.../show.html.haml:46: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting ')' ... form_tag (media_path (place_id: @place) ,: multipart => true ) ... ^ Use --trace for backtrace. Use -trace for backtrace.
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Actaully both failed to notice that you are using the ruby 1.9.2 syntax along with the old 1.8.7 syntax style. I am assuming that you are trying to use this form with an application running on 1.8.7, which is why it is giving you a compilation error. If you are using ruby-1.9.2 you will not get this compilation error. In ruby-1.9.2, you can declare a Javascript json style hash. ie {username: 'John'}
So either you are using ruby-1.9.2 or change (place_id: @place) to (: place_id => @place)
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