ExtJS 4 - Dynamic Model Fields

I want to dynamically create model fields (in ExtJS 4). For example, sometimes it's 0 to 3, and sometimes 0 to 7. This data comes from a JSON file (and storage). This is my model:

Ext.define('MyApp.model.User', {
    extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
    fields: ['0','1','2','3','4','5']


I tried many ways to get the model manually and create the fields, but when it comes to the grid, I have empty data lines without any errors. For example, 8 blank lines in the grid.

Any help would be appreciated


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4 answers

Create a model with the maximum number of fields (say 0 to 15 if you know 15 will be the maximum you will get from the server).

ExtJs is very easy when the model doesn't exactly match the server response. You should still create records, only some of the fields will null




I dynamically generate my model using the records returned by the load callback function . This is how I dynamically create fields using records.

roomTypesStore_Loaded: function (records) {
    var roomType;
    var fields = [
        { name: 'Id', type: 'int' },
        { name: 'Date', type: 'date' }

    for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
        roomType = records[i].data;
        fields[2 + (3 * i) + 0] = { name: roomType.Name + 'Rates', type: 'string' };
        fields[2 + (3 * i) + 1] = { name: roomType.Name + 'Selling', type: 'string' };
        fields[2 + (3 * i) + 2] = { name: roomType.Name + 'Booked', type: 'string' };

    var model = {
        extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
        fields: fields
    Ext.define('HEB.store.Schedule', model);
    var scheduleGrid = this.getScheduleGrid();
    var scheduleStore = this.getScheduleStore();
    if (scheduleGrid != null && scheduleStore != null) {
        scheduleGrid.reconfigure(scheduleStore, columns);




If you only need to adjust the grid once, this seems to work for me.

First, define an array with the column data. Then define the mesh. Suppose the input parameter columnData

is an array with metadata in it.

function createGrid(columnData) {
    var columns = [{
        header: 'Period',
        dataIndex: 'period'
    for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; ++i) {
        var column = {
            header: columnData[i].headerLabel,
            dataIndex: columnData[i].fieldName
        columns[columns.length] = column; //or `columns.push(column);`

    workGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
        title: 'Scheduled Driver Work',
        store: workStore,
        columns: columns,
        height: 600,
        renderTo: Ext.getBody()




    enabled: true
Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', 'http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.1/examples/ux');

// This data can be pulled off a back-end database
// Used to generate a model and a data grid
var records = [{
        "name":"First Name",
        "name":"Last Name",

// Lookup table (type => xtype)
var type_lookup = new Object;
type_lookup['int'] = 'numberfield';
type_lookup['float'] = 'numberfield';
type_lookup['string'] = 'textfield';
type_lookup['date'] = 'datefield';
type_lookup['boolean'] = 'checkbox';

// Skeleton store
var store_template = {
    autoLoad: true,
    autoSync: true,
    remoteFilter: false,

    // DATA is inserted here for the example to work on local drive (use proxy below)
    proxy: {
        type: 'rest',
        url: 'http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.1/examples/restful/app.php/users',
        reader: {
            type: 'json',
            root: 'data'
        writer: {
            type: 'json'

// Skeleton grid (_PLUGINS_ & _STORE_, are placeholders)
var grid_template = {
    columnWidth: 1,
    plugins: '_PLUGINS_',
    height: 300,
    store: '_STORE_'

// Skeleton window (_ITEMS_ is a placeholder)
var window_template = {
    title: 'Dynamic Model / Window',
    height: 400,
    width: 750,
    layout: 'fit',
    items: '_ITEMS_'

// Generate a model dynamically, provide fields
function modelFactory(name,fields){
    model =  {
        extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
        fields: fields

// Generate a dynamic store
function storeFactory(name,template,model){
    template.model = model;
    eval(name+" = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store',"+Ext.encode(template)+");");

// Generate a dynamic grid, .. store name is appended as a string because otherwise, Ext.encode
// will cause 'too much recursion' error (same for plugins)
function gridFactory(name,template,store,plugins){
    script =  name+" = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', "+Ext.encode(template)+");";
    script = script.replace("\"_STORE_\"", store);
    script = script.replace("\"_PLUGINS_\"", plugins);
// Generate a dynamic window, .. items are appended as a string to avoid Ext.encode error
function windowFactory(winName,winTemp,items){
    script += winName+" = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window',"+Ext.encode(winTemp)+").show();";
    script = script.replace("\"_ITEMS_\"", items);

// Generate a model, a store a grid and a window dynamically from a record list!
function generateDynamicModel(records){

    fields = [{
        name: 'id',
        type: 'int',

    columns = [{
        text: 'ID',
        sortable: true,
        dataIndex: 'id'

    for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {

        fields[i+1] =  {
            name: records[i].data.dataIndex,
            type: records[i].data.type

        columns[i+1] = {
            text: records[i].data.name,
            sortable: true,
            dataIndex: records[i].data.dataIndex,
            field:  {
                xtype: type_lookup[records[i].data.type]

    grid_template.columns = columns;


    // Direct access to the store created above 

    rowEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing');


see http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?136362-Extjs-4-Dynamic-Model



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