How to convert from VimOutliner to Markdown?

How do I convert my VimOutliner file to Markdown? In other words, I am how to turn tabbed paths like this ...

Heading 1
    Heading 2
            Heading 3
            : Body text is separated by colons.
            : Another line of body text.
    Heading 4


... into hash-style headers, separated by an empty line like this:

# Heading 1

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

Body text.

## Heading 4


I tried to define a macro, but I'm pretty new to Vim (not a coder), so I haven't been successful so far. Thanks for any help!

(PS - Regarding Markdown, I know about the amazing VOoM plugin , but I still prefer to do initial outlines for documents without hash - characters in sight. Also, I also like how VimOutliner highlights different levels of headings.)


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1 answer

Put these functions in your vimrc and just use :call VO2MD()

or :call MD2VO()

as needed.

function! VO2MD()
  let lines = []
  let was_body = 0
  for line in getline(1,'$')
    if line =~ '^\t*[^:\t]'
      let indent_level = len(matchstr(line, '^\t*'))
      if was_body " <= remove this line to have body lines separated
        call add(lines, '')
      endif " <= remove this line to have body lines separated
      call add(lines, substitute(line, '^\(\t*\)\([^:\t].*\)', '\=repeat("#", indent_level + 1)." ".submatch(2)', ''))
      call add(lines, '')
      let was_body = 0
      call add(lines, substitute(line, '^\t*: ', '', ''))
      let was_body = 1
  silent %d _
  call setline(1, lines)

function! MD2VO()
  let lines = []
  for line in getline(1,'$')
    if line =~ '^\s*$'
    if line =~ '^#\+'
      let indent_level = len(matchstr(line, '^#\+')) - 1
      call add(lines, substitute(line, '^#\(#*\) ', repeat("\<Tab>", indent_level), ''))
      call add(lines, substitute(line, '^', repeat("\<Tab>", indent_level) . ': ', ''))
  silent %d _
  call setline(1, lines)




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