PHP installation error in sapi / cli / php

  "_xmlTextReaderNodeType", referenced from:
      _zm_startup_xmlreader in php_xmlreader.o
  "_xmlParseURIReference", referenced from:
      __dom_get_valid_file_path in document.o
      __xmlreader_get_valid_file_path in php_xmlreader.o
      _zif_xmlwriter_open_uri in php_xmlwriter.o
  "_valuePop", referenced from:
      _dom_xpath_ext_function_php in xpath.o
      _dom_xpath_ext_function_php in xpath.o
      _dom_xpath_ext_function_php in xpath.o
      _xsl_ext_function_php in xsltprocessor.o
      _xsl_ext_function_php in xsltprocessor.o
      _xsl_ext_function_php in xsltprocessor.o
  "_xmlTextReaderConstXmlLang", referenced from:
      _zm_startup_xmlreader in php_xmlreader.o
  "_xmlGetNodePath", referenced from:
      _zim_domnode_getNodePath in node.o
  "_xmlTextReaderReadInnerXml", referenced from:
      _zim_xmlreader_readInnerXml in php_xmlreader.o  "_xmlTextWriterEndElement", referenced from:
      _zif_xmlwriter_end_element in php_xmlwriter.o
      _zif_xmlwriter_write_element_ns in php_xmlwriter.o
      _zif_xmlwriter_write_element in php_xmlwriter.o
  "_xmlRelaxNGFreeValidCtxt", referenced from:
      __dom_document_relaxNG_validate in document.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [sapi/cli/php] Error 1


Whenever make is executed I get this error. Tried "brew install php", tried compiling and installing from source. Any suggestions?


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3 answers

If a similar issue was used with make clean

before make

, this error has been resolved.



If you've used the homebrew-php repo PHP formula , this is a known issue. The config seems to ignore the config libxml2

we pass to it (which uses the libxml2 homebrew formula) and continues to use it instead libxml2


Make sure to check for issues in the repo above and post them there so we can provide support.

For this issue see: homebrew-php # 33



I had the same problem as clean, trick



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