How do I fix "TypeError: Object" NoneType "cannot be decoded" in a recursive function?

def Ancestors (otu,tree):
    if tree[otu][0][0] == None:
       return []
        return [otu,tree[otu][0][0]] + Ancestors (tree[otu][0][0],tree)


The problem is that at some point the function tries to call something that is None, this happens instead of the function returning the list I want. I thought the if statement explains this, but it seems like I was wrong. Any advice?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#41>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\", line 129, in Ancestors
    return [otu,tree[otu][0][0]] + Ancestors (tree[otu][0][0],tree)
  File "C:\", line 129, in Ancestors
    return [otu,tree[otu][0][0]] + Ancestors (tree[otu][0][0],tree)
  File "C:\", line 129, in Ancestors
    return [otu,tree[otu][0][0]] + Ancestors (tree[otu][0][0],tree)
  File "C:\", line 129, in Ancestors
    return [otu,tree[otu][0][0]] + Ancestors (tree[otu][0][0],tree)
  File "C:\", line 126, in Ancestors
    if tree[otu][0][0] == None:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable


This is that tree

{'A': [('AD', 4.0), None, None], 'C': [('ADBFGC', 14.5), None, None], 'B': [('BF', 0.5), None, None], 'E': [('ADBFGCE', 17.0), None, None], 'D': [('AD', 4.0), None, None], 'G': [('BFG', 6.25), None, None], 'F': [('BF', 0.5), None, None], 'ADBFG': [('ADBFGC', 6.25), ('AD', 4.25), ('BFG', 2.0)], 'BF': [('BFG', 5.75), ('B', 0.5), ('F', 0.5)], 'ADBFGC': [('ADBFGCE', 2.5), ('ADBFG', 6.25), ('C', 14.5)], 'ADBFGCE': [None, ('ADBFGC', 2.5), ('E', 17.0)], 'BFG': [('ADBFG', 2.0), ('BF', 5.75), ('G', 6.25)], 'AD': [('ADBFG', 4.25), ('A', 4.0), ('D', 4.0)]}


with otu referring to any of the strings in the tree.


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3 answers

It simply means that either tree

, tree[otu]

or tree[otu][0]

is evaluated as None

and, as such, cannot be deciphered. Most likely, tree[otu]

or tree[otu][0]

. Track this down with some simple debugging:

def Ancestors (otu,tree):
    except TypeError:
        print otu, tre[otu]


or pdb



What does it mean a

when you call Ancestors('A',a)

? If a['A']

- None or if a['A'][0]

- None, you get this exception.



One of the values that you pass on Ancestors

, at some point it becomes None

so said, so check to see if otu

, tree

, tree[otu]

or tree[otu][0]

are None

in the beginning of the function instead of checking tree[otu][0][0] == None

. But you might want to reconsider your path and the data type in question to see if you can improve the structure a bit.



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