How do I fix a damaged project?

I don't know what happened to my Delphius. It doesn't respond to my requests:

  • When I search for a word, it leads me to the wrong places.
  • when i click on any function or variable it does nothing.
  • When I click on an event from the project, it doesn't lead me to the correct function.
  • When tracked, it stops for no good reason.

This only happens with this project because I opened a new project and it was working fine. Something messed up this project? (It compiles and builds without error.)


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2 answers

If this happens to a specific block, it could be because you have a PAS file with broken line ends or some kind of Unicode issue.

A common, easily detectable symptom is that the blue dots on the compiled lines are out of sync with the actual code. (only the line where the debugger should be able to stop has blue dots).

The simplest remedy is to copy the entire block and paste it into a regular notepad, after which a quick scan for silly characters will tell you if there is a possible unicode glitch. Once this is ruled out, just copy all the text and paste it back into the IDE; this should fix all non-Windows line ends.

For anecdote, this happened often when I was working, when we were outsourcing with guys using Cyrillic editors ...



Try the following:

  • Start a new project (keep a backup of the old one!)
  • copy the contents of the current file .dpr

    , but not part uses

  • The device launcher then imports the units from the old project.
    Follow your steps in this step (for each device you try) to see which device it doesn't work for.

Then compare your file .dproj

to the old .dproj

file and comment on the differences to see if we can resolve the differences.



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