App failure for iCloud Backup Flagging

My app has several in-app purchases that upload video content to the / Documents folder. I recently submitted an update to the app and was rejected because I didn't put the video files in an iCloud backup. I've successfully implemented the flag, but I'm still confused by this statement in Apple's documentation:

Important. The new "don't back up" attribute will only be used on iOS 5.0.1 or later. On iOS 5.0 and earlier, apps need to store their data in / Library / Caches to avoid backing up them. Since this attribute is ignored on older systems, you need to ensure that your app complies with the iOS Data Storage Guidelines on all iOS versions your app supports.

My app supports iOS 3.2 and later, so do I need to account for different iOS versions in my code, or does it implement a backup flag sufficient for App Store approval? I really don't want to drop support for versions prior to 5.0.1.

Please, help!


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2 answers

The correct behavior for your application is to place the files in the library / caches on OS prior to 5.0.1 and place it in Documents with the "do not back up" flag in version 5.0.1 or later. The downside to using library / caches is that the files will be deleted when the user refreshes the app (so they can better reload them). But upward you won't bloat their backups with files that shouldn't be backed up.

Please note that in version 5.0.1 or newer, if you find that the files are not there, you should check their location to 5.0.1 before downloading them if the user just updated their OS.



Concert Area - iOS 5.0 which supports iCloud but does not recognize the "do not back up" attribute. In this case, all of the app catalog data within documents is likely to be backed up by iCloud. For iOS versions below 5.x:

  • Invalid iCloud backup.
  • the do not back up flag is not relevant. At compile time, it did not issue any warnings.

Consequently, the data can be stored in the document directory, and the "do not back up" checkbox is appropriately added to the content (files / folders) for all versions. The problem is only in version 5.0.



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