What's wrong with this imperative version of the factor function in ocaml?

let impfac i = 
  let l = ref i in
  let result = ref 1 in
  let k = ref 2 in
  while !k < !l do
    result := !result * !k


Error message:

let impfac i = 
  let l = ref i in
  let result = ref 1 in
  let k = ref 2 in
  while !k < !l do
    result := !result * !k
                Characters 121-123:
      result := !result * !k
Error: This expression is not a function; it cannot be applied



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1 answer

result := !result * !k


You are missing the semicolon at the end of the first line. Because of this, it reads like:

result := !result * (!k k:=!k+1)


i.e. it thinks you are trying to call !k

with k:=!k+1

as its argument.

This is why your editor put the line k := !k+1

farther to the right of the line above it. This should have been the first sign that something was wrong with the syntax.



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