Multiple forms in separate threads

I am trying to run ATM Simulator in C # using Windows Forms, which can have multiple ATM instances with a transaction at the same time with a bank account.

The idea is to use semaphores / locks to block critical code, which can lead to race conditions.

My question is:

How can I run two forms at the same time on separate threads? Specifically, how does it all fit into Application.Run()

one that already exists?

Here's my main class:

public class Bank
    private Account[] ac = new Account[3];
    private ATM atm;

    public Bank()
        ac[0] = new Account(300, 1111, 111111);
        ac[1] = new Account(750, 2222, 222222);
        ac[2] = new Account(3000, 3333, 333333);

        Application.Run(new ATM(ac));


    static void Main(string[] args)
        new Bank();
...that I want to run two of these forms on separate threads...

public partial class ATM : Form
    //local reference to the array of accounts
    private Account[] ac;

    //this is a reference to the account that is being used
    private Account activeAccount = null;

    private static int stepCount = 0;

    private string buffer = "";

    // the ATM constructor takes an array of account objects as a reference
    public ATM(Account[] ac)
        InitializeComponent();  //Sets up Form ATM GUI in ATM.Designer.cs = ac;


I have tried using

Thread ATM2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(/*What goes in here?*/));


But what method do I put in the ThreadStart constructor, since the ATM form is event driven and no one controls it?


I tried replacing Application.Run(new ATM(ac));


ATM atm1 = new ATM(ac);
ATM atm2 = new ATM(ac);
Thread ATM2_T = new Thread(new ThreadStart(atm1.Show));
Thread ATM1_T = new Thread(new ThreadStart(atm2.Show));


in the constructor of the Bank. Nothing is displayed, and the program discards the end of the Main () function.


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3 answers

Here's what I think you need to do:

Thread ATM2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadProc));


It calls this method:

private void ThreadProc()
    var frm = new ATM();




The Bank.Main()

try to change Application.Run(new ATM(acc))

to new ATM(acc).Show()

. You can use the method Form.Show()

as many times as you like. If I remember correctly, the application will close when all forms are closed (although I may be wrong - try this with the VS debugger)



The above is unsafe code

Enter theme code:

Thread ATM2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadProc));


It calls this method:

private void ThreadProc()
        this.Invoke(new Action(() => CreateAndShowForm()));


private void CreateAndShowForm()
    var frm = new ATM();




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