How to pass Scala enum from Java

I have a Scala / Java dual language project where I need to pass a Scala enum from Java.

object MonthSelection extends Enumeration {
   type MonthSelection = Value

   val LastMonth, ThisMonth, NextMonth, CustomMonth = Value

class MyClass {

   def doDateStuff(monthChosen: MonthSelection) = {
   // do stuff


How should I call this from Java? I am getting a compile error as I cannot import scala.Enumeration.Value.

   MyClass myClass = new MyClass();



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1 answer

When in doubt, take a look at the generated bytecode. :)

$> cat foo.scala
object MonthSelection extends Enumeration {
    type MonthSelection = Value

    val LastMonth, ThisMonth, NextMonth, CustomMonth = Value

$> scalac -d bin foo.scala
$> ls bin
MonthSelection$.class  MonthSelection.class
$> javap bin/MonthSelection
Compiled from "foo.scala"
public final class MonthSelection extends java.lang.Object{
    public static final scala.Enumeration$Value CustomMonth();
    public static final scala.Enumeration$Value NextMonth();
    public static final scala.Enumeration$Value ThisMonth();
    public static final scala.Enumeration$Value LastMonth();
    public static final scala.Enumeration$ValueSet$ ValueSet();
    public static final scala.Enumeration$Value withName(java.lang.String);
    public static final scala.Enumeration$Value apply(int);
    public static final int maxId();
    public static final scala.Enumeration$ValueSet values();
    public static final java.lang.String toString();


Okay, easy. All of these enums are public static methods. I just need to import scala.Enumeration and call these methods directly.

$> cat
import scala.Enumeration;

public class Some {
    public static void main(String args[]) {

$> javac -cp $SCALA_HOME/lib/scala-library.jar:bin/ -d bin
$> ls bin
MonthSelection$.class  MonthSelection.class  Some.class
$> java -cp $SCALA_HOME/lib/scala-library.jar:bin Some              


Hope this gives you more ideas for playing. :)



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