Javascript smooth scrolling iPad

I am using this code, scroll div overflow (hidden) in ipad and it works expecting it not to be smooth, is there a way to make it smooth scrolling?

function initMobileScroll(ele) {
var mobileScrollArea = document.getElementById(ele);

mobileScrollArea.addEventListener('touchstart', function(event){
    touchstart (event);

mobileScrollArea.addEventListener('touchmove', function(event){
    touchmove (event);

// let’s set the starting point when someone first touches
function touchstart (e) {
    startY = e.touches[0].pageY;
    startX = e.touches[0].pageX;

// calls repeatedly while the user’s finger is moving
function touchmove(e) {
    var touches = e.touches[0];

    // override the touch event’s normal functionality

    // y-axis
    var touchMovedY = startY - touches.pageY;
    startY = touches.pageY; // reset startY for the next call
    mobileScrollArea.scrollTop = mobileScrollArea.scrollTop + touchMovedY;

    // x-axis
    var touchMovedX = startX - touches.pageX;
    startX = touches.pageX; // reset startX for the next call
    mobileScrollArea.scrollLeft = mobileScrollArea.scrollLeft + touchMovedX;



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4 answers

add this to your css:

-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;



  • Safari: iOS 5

  • Android Browser: 3.0

  • Blackberry Browser: 6

  • Chrome for mobile

  • Firefox Mobile

  • IE Mobile: 9

  • Opera Mobile

example: JSfiddle

link: - overflow scrolling



Take a look at this:



Smooth Scrolling Div now supports touch scrolling. It's free and works the same way as you describe - it scrolls a div inside another div with an overflow hidden.



It looks like what I was trying to do. Good luck.

if (evt.type == "touchstart")
    tsStartY = evt.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY;
if (evt.type == "touchend")
    var te = evt.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY;
    var delta = tsStartY - te;

    if (tsStartY > te) {
        // going down
        this.transY += delta;

        if (this.transY > this.minY)
            this.transY = this.minY;

    if (tsStartY < te)
        // going up
        this.transY -= -delta;
        if (this.transY < this.maxY) {
            this.transY = this.maxY;





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