Executing code only once in ASP.NET MVC 3

I have a partial view I created called "noteEditor". This is displayed inside another partial view called "summary". I want the "noteEditor" partial view to only appear on the page once, no matter how many times the "final" partial view is displayed.

I was hoping to do something like a pivot partial view:

    var viewDataNotesEditorRegistered = ViewData["notesEditorRegistered"];
    var notesEditorRegistered = (bool)(viewDataNotesEditorRegistered ?? false);
@if (!notesEditorRegistered)
    <div class="notesdialog" style="display: none;">@Html.Partial("NotesEditor")</div>
    ViewData["notesEditorRegistered"] = true;


however, whenever this code is called ViewData ["notesEditorRegistered"], it returns null.

Is there a more global scope (for the whole page and only for this request)?



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1 answer

You can use HttpContext for this purpose instead of ViewData:

    var viewDataNotesEditorRegistered = ViewContext.HttpContext.Items["notesEditorRegistered"];
    var notesEditorRegistered = (bool)(viewDataNotesEditorRegistered ?? false);
@if (!notesEditorRegistered)
    <div class="notesdialog">@Html.Partial("NotesEditor")</div>
    ViewContext.HttpContext.Items["notesEditorRegistered"] = true;




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