Yapsy: a simple hack to get rid of the plugin info file

I would like to use a plugin in my code. I searched for simple (but powerful) python modules and found Yapsy (among others).

This is what I was looking for, but the way Yapsy detects plugins is not very flexible and requires a plugin info file. I would like to get rid of it, without having to unwrap the code (if I start relying on Yapsy, I want to make sure that I get all the updates from it without having to recycle it every time).

I came out with this quick and dirty solution, which works great but does not improve the flexibility of the "discovery" process:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import logging
from cStringIO import StringIO

from yapsy.PluginManager import PluginManager
from yapsy.IPlugin import IPlugin
from yapsy.PluginInfo import PluginInfo

class MyPluginManager(PluginManager):
    My attempt to get rid of the plugin info file...
    def __init__(self, 
        Initialize the mapping of the categories and set the list of
        directories where plugins may be. This can also be set by
        direct call the methods: 

        - ``setCategoriesFilter`` for ``categories_filter``
        - ``setPluginPlaces`` for ``directories_list``
        - ``setPluginInfoExtension`` for ``plugin_info_ext``

        You may look at these function documentation for the meaning
        of each corresponding arguments.

    def _gatherCorePluginInfo(self, directory, filename):
        Gather the core information (name, and module to be loaded)
        about a plugin described by it info file (found at

        Return an instance of ``self.plugin_info_cls`` and the
        config_parser used to gather the core data *in a tuple*, if the
        required info could be localised, else return ``(None,None)``.

        .. note:: This is supposed to be used internally by subclasses
            and decorators.

        # now we can consider the file as a serious candidate
        candidate_infofile = os.path.join(directory,filename)
        print candidate_infofile

        # My hack : just create a StringIO file with basic plugin info
        _fname = filename.rstrip(".py")
        _file = StringIO()
Name = %s
Module = %s
        """ % (_fname, _fname))

        # parse the information file to get info about the plugin
        name,moduleName,config_parser = self._getPluginNameAndModuleFromStream(_file, candidate_infofile)
        print name, moduleName, config_parser
        if (name,moduleName,config_parser)==(None,None,None):
                        return (None,None)
        # start collecting essential info
        plugin_info = self._plugin_info_cls(name,os.path.join(directory,moduleName))
        return (plugin_info,config_parser)


This hack assumes that the plugin has a ".plugin.py" extension (or ".plugin" for a directory, but I haven't tested it). Then I create a cSringIO file to trick Yapsy into thinking he found the plugin info file. (It is still possible to provide additional information in the plugin by setting the correct variables: author, description ...).

I'm wondering if there is a better way or if people have already done this. This hack is clearly too crude to be really useful, and I would like to have something a little more flexible: a plugin can be detected by its plugin info file (as in the source code) or a pattern for the plugin name (perhaps using re

, which allows the prefix , suffix ...). As far as I can see, implementing these ideas would require a much more complex hack than what I have already done ...


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1 answer

Ok, I have implemented a fork of the Yapsy plugin manager and am actually in contact with the author of the package. Once the documentation and tests are done, I think this could be included in the next Yapsy release.



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