How to create a log structure for a Java application

I'm new to java, I know Java has Log4J, logback, etc. for logging. My question is more about how many log files we should have in our application. It should be for a thread, for a thread group, a process, an exception, etc. In our application, it is possible to have a large number of threads and think about the disadvantages of having a log file in the thread. Are there any best practices for registering in applications with huge number of threads.

Thanks in advance!


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3 answers

1 message log - name it SystemOut.log

1 log for stack trace - call it SystemErr.log

1 log for traces - name it Trace.log

1 log for inline stdout - call it nativeStdOut.log

1 log for native stderr - Call it nativeStdErr.log

You have a settings panel that sets:



When the log reaches its maximum size, start rewinding them to maxCount and add a timestamp to the rolled filename.



I think a good solution would be to name your streams and write the logs along with the name of the thread where the log occurred. This allows you to analyze the logs separately for each stream or analyze all the logs together.



Usually there is one log file for each application (process) - rarely Thread

and never Exception

. Sometimes this log file is split into different log levels: debug messages in one bucket, information in another, warnings / errors in a third. This makes it easier to view errors by just looking at the warning and criticism file.

log4j has a config file where you can redirect specific messages to specific files using different criteria. Here's a sample log4j properties file:

# default is WARN and above going to the appender "logfile" and STDOUT
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, logfile, stdout
# write to ui.log for a day and then move to .yyyy-MM-dd suffix
# but we log information message from classes in the package


log4j and custom logs, decorate name Class

, priority level, date / time, etc. every time . For example:

# date     time        priority  Class-name  Log message
2012-03-26 00:55:39,545 [INFO] CmsClientTask Content is up-to-date


Usually, exceptions are logged as multiple lines, so you can get the entire stack trace.

2012-03-26 01:55:35,777 [INFO] ExceptionInterceptor Reporting problem to customer
    org.springframework.NoSuchRequestException: No request handling method
     at com.ui.base.BaseController.invokeNamedHandler(
     at com.ui.base.BaseController.handleRequestInternal(
     at com.ui.base.CoreServices.handleRequest(


In our distributed system, we route all logs from the whole system to 2 servers that write debug, information and warning logs. Along with date / time, class name, priority and message, the log messages also have a hostname and a specific log token so that we can easily identify the problem classes. In one line:

2012-03-26 00:00:00.045 UTC INFO FE8 TrayController TRAY_CLIENT_LOOKUP
    message=created unknown client with partner STW9


Then we can grep easily for specific problems.

Hope it helps.



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