How to use if condition for nullable boolean in linq for NHibernate

I have a class Person

whose property Sex

is NULL.

public class Person 
    public bool? Sex {get; set;}


And I have a linq query to NHibernate.

var q = SessionInstance.Query<Person>();

if (dto.Sex != null)
    q = q.Where(p => p.Sex == dto.Sex);

return q.ToList();


Now if dto.Sex is equal true

, the result will be correct.

But if the dto.Sex value is equal false

, the result is wrong because the result contains people that Sex is false or null.

I checked out the profiler for this request:

select * from Person_Person person0_
where  case
             when person0_.Sex = 1 then 1
             else 0
           end = case
                   when 0 /* @p0 */ = 1 then 1
                   else 0




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2 answers

I don't know why this LINQ query generates a case statement, which is really weird ...

But I personally don't like the zero boolean approach.

The boolean value has 2 values: true or false. The moment you make it null, you give it the 3rd possible value.

In a scenario like this, I find it better to use an Enum.

I am assuming that "Sex" is for "men" / "women", in which case I think the best approach to the problem is to enumerate like:

public enum SexEnum
   Unspecified = 0,
   Male = 1,
   Female = 2


This makes your code clearer:

var males = session.Query<Person>().Where(x => x.Sex == SexEnum.Male);




This is a bug in linux vendor nhibernate and the workaround for it would be as follows:

if (dto.Sex != null)
    q = q.Where(p => p.Sex == dto.Sex && p.Sex != null);


The trick is to filter out nullable values ​​from a set that should contain false values ​​or true values ​​(true values ​​have no problem, so this is mostly for false values)



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