Google calendar api - general calendar

Is it possible to share with someone (add or remove user) a specific google calendar using the google api?

I have more than 50 calendars and for each there is a different person who updates the data, I would like to make an "update window" for example. they can only update events on Monday.


source to share

2 answers

This can be done by viewing the API docs for the ACL



This is an old question, but here's how to share a calendar with a user if someone wants to use it: This is done by ACL Here's an example in php:

public function sharecalendarwithuser($calendar_id, $user_email, $role)
    $rule = new Google_Service_Calendar_AclRule();
    $scope = new Google_Service_Calendar_AclRuleScope();
    The type of the scope. Possible values are:

        "default" - The public scope. This is the default value.
        "user" - Limits the scope to a single user.
        "group" - Limits the scope to a group.
        "domain" - Limits the scope to a domain.
    The role assigned to the scope. Possible values are:
        "none" - Provides no access.
        "freeBusyReader" - Provides read access to free/busy information.
        "reader" - Provides read access to the calendar. Private events will appear to users with reader access, but event details will be hidden.
        "writer" - Provides read and write access to the calendar. Private events will appear to users with writer access, and event details will be visible.
        "owner" - Provides ownership of the calendar. This role has all of the permissions of the writer role with the additional ability to see and manipulate ACLs.
    $createdRule = $service->acl->insert($calendar_id, $rule);


Hope this helps :)



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