Android Action Bar: App Icon and Name

Can I use snippet tabs in action bar with Theme.Holo.NoActionBar theme?

I mean ... I already use this theme in my layouts, but apparently it's too complicated since the fragments are supposed to appear in the action bar?

What I wanted to achieve was to actually get rid of the Title and App icon in the fragment tabs. Something similar to the Google Music app.

Is it possible?


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2 answers

What I wanted to achieve was to actually get rid of the Title and App icon in the fragment tabs. Something similar to the Google Music app.

Try calling setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false)

and setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false)

on ActionBar

and leaving the topic alone.



You can style the action bar depending on your needs. I'm pretty sure you can remove the app icon and title as well. Using the default NoActionbar theme and then recreating the action bar in your own kind defeats the purpose of the action bar. I suggest you use a theme with an action bar and then customize the bar to suit your needs. This page has a decent implementation.



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