Install shortcut from VS2010 installation

VS2010 contains an "installer project that creates an installer package. I need a shortcut for an application to be installed on users desktop. A flashy shortcut I know how to create with install / install is a special shortcut and I can't use it to drop files onto it (and run the app from within it) Does anyone know how to create a complete functionality-shortcut that will follow the user-specified install path (if it changes it)?


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2 answers

To create a shortcut in a Visual Studio setup project, you can try this:

  • go to file system editor
  • select the "Custom Desktop" folder
  • right click in the right pane (file list)
  • select the "Create new shortcut" context menu
  • select the desired file when prompted

I'm not sure what you mean by "custom shortcut", but this is the only type of shortcut you can create with Visual Studio.



You probably need to disable advertised shortcuts with a tool like Orca. More details here:



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