Facebook dialog

I am creating a Facebook application and am trying to implement a sharing dialog. Currently I just found how to create a feed dialog that allows you to post to your wall (see picture below).

current dialog with a message about the application http://perian.atlantafalcons.com/falcons_post.png

What I'm trying to achieve is a Share dialog that allows users to choose whether they want to post to their wall, friends timeline, or page. Spotify allows you to use this feature from their posts (see example image below).

define the sharing dialog http://perian.atlantafalcons.com/spotify_share.png

In addition to creating a share dialog, how do I add a Share action next to Like and Comment in a feed post?

Thanks in advance!


source to share

1 answer

What you are looking for is the Share button . Facebook dropped this and said it would no longer be supported. If you want, you can still directly open the divider content window using a url like this:


and just change the string parameter value u



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