Report Builder: Can I Link a Specific Part of a Report?

I would like to link a specific section of a report from another report. A quick web search didn't give me any suggestions, so I thought I'd ask you smart people here :-).

I'm really looking for something like an anchor in HTML, but for a report.


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2 answers

If you already know the page of the report that you want to jump, instead of the "Go to report" action, I think you should use "Go to URL" and in the expression field, insert something like:

"http://myrsserver/reportserver?http://portal/reports/sample%20reports/departmental%20sales.rdl&rs:Command=Render&rc:Zoom=Whole%20Page&rc:Parameters=collapsed&rc:DocMap=true&rc:Section=2&CategoryID=" & Fields!CategoryID.Value & "&CategoryName="& Fields!CategoryName.Value


where the Section parameter is the page number.



Use bookmarks:

Add bookmarks and bookmark links to a report when you want to provide a custom table of contents or provide custom internal navigation links in a report. Typically, you add bookmarks to locations in the report you want to direct users to, such as each table or chart, or to unique group values ​​displayed in a table or matrix. You can create your own strings to use as bookmarks, or for groups, you can set a bookmark to a group expression.



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