PropertyChanged for nested class structure

I have the following class structure

class Top : NotifyPropertyChanged
   private List<Inner>  innerList;

   public bool IsInnerTrue
          foreach (Inner inner in innerList)
             if (inner.IsTrue)
                return true;
          return false;

class Inner : NotifyPropetyChanged
   private bool isTrue;
   public bool IsTure
         return isTrue;
         isTrue = value;


In my opinion, I am binding to the IsInnerTrue property of the Top class. My problem is that I cannot figure out how to fire the PropertyChanged event for IsInnerTrue when the IsTrue property of one of the Inner objects changes value.

Does anyone have a suggestion without building an event handler for each Inner Object?


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1 answer

Here are two options. One, subscribe to the internal PropertyChanged events:

class Top : NotifyPropertyChanged
    private List<Inner> innerList = new List<Inner>();

    public bool IsInnerTrue
            foreach (Inner inner in innerList)
                if (inner.IsTrue)
                    return true;
            return false;

    public void Add(Inner inner)
        inner.PropertyChanged += InnerPropertyChanged;

    public void Remove(Inner inner)
        inner.PropertyChanged -= InnerPropertyChanged;

    private void InnerPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (e.PropertyName == "IsTrue")


Or two, use a dependency tracking library like Update Controls . These libraries can detect that IsInnerTrue depends on IsTrue and will fire the top-level property change event when the internal property changes.



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