Sending a basic "Weekly Digest" email from a Rails 3 application
I created a rake task to send emails to my subscribers (registered users).
desc "Send digest"
task :send_digest => :environment do
Notifier.digest.deliver #if
Notifier :: digest
def digest(periodicity = "weekly")
@from = ""
@bcc = ""
User.where("digest_periodicity LIKE ?", periodicity).each do |u|
@bcc += u.email_address + ","
@bcc = Rails.env.production? ? @bcc[0..-1] : ""
@message_subject = Rails.env.production? ? "#{periodicity.capitalize} Digest" : "#{periodicity.capitalize} Digest (Test)"
@public_projects = PowerPlant.where("public = ?", true).order("created_at desc")
mail(:bcc => @bcc, :subject => @message_subject)
This works fine until I try to expand. In my work environment, the recipient list is over 300 email addresses. so when I run the correct rake command, instead of sending my email, I get this message.
$ heroku rake send_digest --app biowatts
> rake aborted!
> 452-4.5.3 Your message has too many recipients. For more information regarding
I am using but I also tried to use myaddydy smtp mail server but it looks like I will run into similar problems.
MY QUESTION: How do I periodically send an email to my subscribers list?
Note. This email is based on what's in my database ...
hope you can help,
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Your code is fine. The problem lies in the rules for gmail. You cannot send multiple emails at once. If you've ever had a friend's account hacked, you'll see them send an email to 100 or so recipients and repeat.
Solution: Have multiple emails and rotate (this is a bad idea because it will trigger other gmail spam protections)
Use regular contact or some other mailing list - Ideal for your situation
Use SendGrid - They will likely dump you as you are "spamming" in their eyes, even if you are not spam.
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