SQL query result with left join and result array with PHP

I have the following request:

LEFT JOIN participants
ON teams.teamNo = participants.teamNo
ORDER BY teams.teamNo ASC


The request obviously gets all the teams in the team table and where there is a matching member in the team table that is returned. Not every team can nominate members, but every team must be displayed.

I want to decompose the data in one page (since team 2 has no current members, but still displays:

Team 1:    
 - Participant 1
 - Participant 2
 - Participant 3

Team 2:

Team 3:    
 - Participant 1
 - Participant 2


I have the following array returning from a SQL query:

[0] => Array
        [TeamNo] => 1
        [ParticipantFirstNames] => Katie
        [ParticipantSurname] => Bloggs

[1] => Array
        [TeamNo] => 1
        [ParticipantFirstNames] => Jenny
        [ParticipantSurname] => Ruffles

[2] => Array
        [TeamNo] => 1
        [ParticipantFirstNames] => Hannah
        [ParticipantSurname] => Cox

[3] => Array
        [TeamNo] => 2
        [ParticipantFirstNames] => 
        [ParticipantSurname] => 

[4] => Array
        [TeamNo] => 3
        [ParticipantFirstNames] => Alex
        [ParticipantSurname] => Glover

[5] => Array
        [TeamNo] => 3
        [ParticipantFirstNames] => Karl
        [ParticipantSurname] => Lawrence


I believe I need to convert it to an array that looks a bit like the following, but I'm not sure how to do it in PHP:

array(  'TeamNo' => '1',
        'TeamParticipants' => array(
                            array(  'ParticipantFirstName' => 'Harry',
                                    'ParticipantSurname' => 'Bloggs'),
                            array(  'ParticipantFirstName' => 'James',
                                    'ParticipantSurname' => 'Car'))

array(  'TeamNo' => '2',
        'TeamParticipants' => array() )

array(  'TeamNo' => '3',
        'TeamParticipants' => array(
                            array(  'ParticipantFirstName' => 'Harry',
                                    'ParticipantSurname' => 'Bloggs'),
                            array(  'ParticipantFirstName' => 'James',
                                    'ParticipantSurname' => 'Car')



I just can't get my head around the arrays, can someone help, or do I need another query in the first place? I am using PHP.


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3 answers

This will convert your current array to the one you want:

$newArray = array();
foreach ($resultArray as $record) {
    $currentTeam = $record('TeamNo');
    if (!array_key_exists($currentTeam, $newArray)) {
        $newArray[$currentTeam] = array('TeamNo' => $currentTeam, 'TeamParticipants => array());
    if (!empty($record['ParticipantFirstName']) {
        $newArray[$currentTeam]['TeamParticipants'][] = array('ParticipantFirstName' => $record['ParticipantFirstName'], 'ParticipantLastName' => $record['ParticipantLastName']);


This is pretty much untested, but it should provide basically what you want. The only difference is that I use an associative array outside to easily find which command numbers have already been created.

I won't judge why you want the array to convert this way. I assume you know why you want an array in this format. This should help you get it there.



Have you tried mysql_fetch_assoc () or mysql_fetch_array ()? what function are you using when fetching outputs

 $query = "SELECT * FROM teams
 LEFT JOIN participants
 ON teams.teamNo = participants.teamNo
 ORDER BY teams.teamNo ASC"

 $result = mysql_query($query);

 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
     echo $row[0];
     echo $row[1];
     //and so on, this will display the data starting by the index 0 which is the first field




Something like this should do:

$q=mysql_query("your query");
while($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
  $a["Team ".$r["teamNo"]][]=array("fname"=>$r["firstName"], "sname"=>$r["surname"]);


$a["Team ".$r["teamNo"]]

creates or references an existing value at an associative "Team N"

array index $a


$a["Team ".$r["teamNo"]][]

says the specified value is an auto-incremented int-indexed array (so a new int key is created for each call).

We set the value corresponding to this auto-incrementing index into an array with two key / value pairs: "fname"

referencing the name of the current member and "sname"

referencing his / her last name. This gives the structure:

$a : array {
  "Team 1" : array {
    0 : array {
      "fname" > "Billy"
      "sname" > "The Kid"
  "Team 1" : array {
    1 : array {
      "fname" > "John"
      "sname" > "Dillinger"
  "Team 2" : array {
    0 : array {
      "fname" > "Melvin"
      "sname" > "Purvis"

  "Team 2" : array {
    1 : array {
      "fname" > "Eliot"
      "sname" > "Ness"


Using PHP, you access it like this:

$a["Team 1"][0]["fname"] //Billy
$a["Team 1"][1]["fname"] //John
$a["Team 1"][0]["sname"] //The Kid
$a["Team 2"][1]["sname"] //Ness


So, with a loop to display, for example:

foreach($a as $team=>$participants) {
  echo "<h1>$team</h1>";
  foreach($participants as $identity) { //no need for keys here, as they're semantically irrelevant
    echo $identity["fname"]." ".strtoupper($identity["sname"])."<br>";


Will display

<h1>Team 1</h1>
Billy THE KID<br>
<h1>Team 2</h1>
Melvin PURVIS<br>
Eliot NESS<br>


Hopefully this is clear enough for you to understand arrays better.



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