Is it possible to set a variable to be equal to a function without using a shell?

In JavaScript, you can set a variable equal to a method like this:

variable = function () { alert("My name is bob"); };


Or like this:

function SayMyName() {
   alert("My name is bob");
variable = SayMyName;


You can also wrap a function with arguments like this:

function SayMyName(name) {
   alert("My name is "+ name);
variable = function () { SayMyName("bob"); };


But when trying to store the variable, the following call will call the function rather than store it as a variable:

function SayMyName(name) {
   alert("My name is "+ name);
variable = SayMyName("bob");


There was a clever way you could work using [callee] [1], but the callable is deprecated and won't work in most modern browsers.

Is there a way to set a variable equal to a function with arguments without using a shell?


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5 answers

You can use the method bind

to fix some parameters

var variable = SayMyName.bind(null, "bob");


However, this doesn't work in IE <= 8, so you'll have to use a similar replacement or polyfilm in this case.



Can't you use a nested anonymous function for this?

var variable = function(name) {
  return function() {
    alert('My name is ' + name);


Calling this result gives the desired result:

var test = variable('bob');
test(); // Alerts "My name is bob"




You can return a function like:

function SayMyName(x) { return function() { alert("My name is Bob.");}};

var x = SayMyName('bob');




var name = (function sayMyName(name) {
    return alert('My name is: ' + name);




public class ToyProgram{

    public static void main(String[] args){
        String funcCallVar = aFunc();
    public static String aFunc(){
        String aVariable = "yes you can set a variale equal to a function";
        return aVariable;




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