Using google maps geocoding with python using urllib2

I'm trying to use the Google Maps geocoder with Python and JSON, but I'm told that I have a bad request:

add = "Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA"
geocode_url = "" % add
print geocode_url
req = urllib2.urlopen(geocode_url)
jsonResponse = json.loads(


It doesn't work with urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request


But if I just copy and paste,%20London,%20SW1A%201AA&sensor=false&region=uk


into the browser bar, it works fine.

What's wrong with my request?


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1 answer

You need some url encoding, this works:

import urllib2
import pprint
import json
add = "Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA"
add = urllib2.quote(add)
geocode_url = "" % add
print geocode_url
req = urllib2.urlopen(geocode_url)
jsonResponse = json.loads(


The add = urllib2.quote (add) line is an important point. If you have non-latin characters, you should be aware that the google API requires UTF-8 encoding.



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