How can I get all the information about a process in objective-c on iOS?

On Mac OS, I can use GetCurrentProcess and GetNextProcessInfo to get information about a process. But when I use functions in iOS system, I got communication error:

Undefined symbols for i386 architecture: "_GetCurrentProcess" "_GetProcessInformation" ....

How can I get all the information about a process in objective-c on iOS?


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1 answer

Yes, there are no calls in iOS, GetCurrentProcess

or GetProcessInformation

because Apple would prefer each app to be in its own sandbox and be unaware of the other apps running on the phone.

But there may be ways to get closer to what you are trying to do.

Here are some related questions that may help you:

Can we get the apps currently running on iPhone and iPad .

How do I get information about free memory and running processes in an approved App Store app? (Yes, there is one!)

How to start active processes in iOS

The answers to these questions can point you in the direction in which you would like to head.

Good luck!



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