How to work with Eclipse source code in Eclipse itself

I have downloaded all source code of Eclipse Helios / Indigo version. Now I want to work on it like with some changes and everything. So I imported all the source code, but now I am collecting n number of compilation errors. Moreover, I am trying to run RunAs> Plug-in, it confuses me about the output I get is modified or something.

My problems - How do I import the entire Eclipse SOurceCode into eclipse? How do I build the Eclipse SourceCode correctly? After making a change in SC Eclipse, how can I check if the changes can be made?


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1 answer

I would define a target definition for your Eclipse distribution. Include all functions (including source) in the definition. You can then use the importer to import plugins from the target definition into the source workspace and work with it. Targeting is easier because you can change the settings on demand.

Edit: Forgot to mention that in the import wizard (File -> Import -> Plugin Development -> Plugins and Fragments) make sure you select "Project with Source Folders" under "Import As". Otherwise the class files will be imported as banks and will not be deflated into your project. It just makes it easier to work with them this way.

enter image description here



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